I'm not sure anyone even reads this blog, but if so, I should probably apologize for staying gone for so long. I know it's been around 5 months since I've updated this, but tons of stuff went on in my life. I got extremely busy with classes, I went to a conference in North Carolina, I dropped my classes because both of my teachers were absolutely horrible at educating, broke it off with TH, I turned 30, I had to cancel both vacations I planned this summer (including my annual birthday trip with my GBF RW), and lots more. Stress upon stress upon stress upon no jogging time. So faithful readers, if you exist, I'm sorry for neglecting my blog. :)
I did enjoy myself quite a bit at the Appalachian Studies Conference in Boone, NC this past spring. Myself, Doc Wilson, Ginger, and Lee Maynard traveled together. It wasn't a three hour tour, it was more like a four hour car ride that I slept through. The conference was on the campus of Appalachian State University, who's campus is stunning and open, and nestled in the hills of Appalachia. I fell in love. Not to mention the fact that their cafeteria had sushi! WHAT?! Where have you been all my life ASU?? Our panel was called Dead Dogs and Other Critters: Animals in Appalachian Literature, and it was a success. We each had a topic of our own to discuss, and I chose to talk about canaries in the coal mines. I read some excerpts from Storming Heaven by Denise Giardina, and The Tell-Tale Lilac Bush by Ruth Ann Musick. I didn't want to present my opinion of the sad lives these birds lived, so I presented the facts, read my stories, and asked the audience a question to make them think: is it acceptable to sacrifice a single life, even a small one like a canary, to save the masses? Keep in mind this was in the late 1800's, and early 1900's when today's technology and gas detection systems were not around. What do you think?
Oh my classes. I was taking Educational Psychology and Learning with Dr. Mehdi Syedmonir, as well as Math for Liberal Arts with Dr. Akey. I prayed for strength. I didn't receive any. Dr. Mehdi was the most absent minded, self-absorbed teacher I have ever had. He couldn't grade the online quizzes correctly, they were all open book, with plenty of time to do your research on each question. I read the chapters, I chose the correct answers. Yet I never could get better than a B or C on his quiz. When asked for an answer sheet, he wouldn't provide them. You also weren't told which questions you got wrong. Tell me how I'm supposed to learn a damned thing in that class with that kind of feedback, or lack thereof. Additionally, I was assigned to do my observations at CHS, and repeatedly called the HS to schedule a time to come in to meet the teacher. No one ever called me back. So with that and my frustration with Dr. Mehdi, I was over it. Dr. Akey I just couldn't do it. He was one week away from 6 feet under, and I don't know if maybe I was ahead of the subject matter but omg. I was two to three weeks of assignments ahead. It was stupid of me to drop that class, I know, but I was so stressed with Mehdi that I just dropped both and said "fuck it."
I reconsidered being a teacher, and while my heart is still in it, I just don't think I can or want to any longer. I want a profession where I can make a difference in someone's life. Teaching is no longer about that. It's all about red tape, and standardized testing. Social Work, however, is exactly what I should have majored in all along.
I broke off my relationship with TH because after a year, he had not told me he loved me. He didn't know. So, I said, peace. We'll just leave it at that.
I turned 30, and that's when all hell broke lose and everything unraveled. Vacations had to be canceled, money got tight. My mom is still unemployed, so I'm paying everything and it's crazy right now.
So that's my life...I'm a hot mess.
Note: My BFF, TV, is leaving me :( We work together and her last day is Friday. I can't be too upset though, she's leaving to go to Nursing school. I'm so extremely proud of her, and happy that she's finally realized what she is destined to be. I can't wait to see how well she rocks those nursing classes and blows them all away with her awesomeness. I lu you!
Awwww thanks ANM, I LU YOU! -TV