Monday was the first day of classes, and my first day back as a full time student. I was not the oldest person in any of my classes (let's face's's not possible for me to be the oldest pair of tits in there). My knee got accosted by a horny bee prior to class, which you've already seen if you're my friend on facebook. I have it all on video on my phone, and will try to post it here later if I can figure out how. TV had to shew it off my knee for me because I'm allergic, but mainly chicken shit when it comes to creepy crawlies and things that go buzzzzzzz.
Monday night's Intro to English Lit class wasn't bad. My professor is pretty cool, and seems entertaining enough to keep me awake for 2.75 hours after I've worked 10 hours.
I have Appalachian Lit & Culture, and my professor is really nice, but there's a lady in my class that is just straight up annoying (we'll call her Bertha). I can put up with it for 4 months though. We had to introduce ourselves to the class, and then say "I'm the only person in this class who....." and say something unique about yourself. If someone else in the class shares the same answer, you had to think of another. So, I said "I'm the only person in the class who can tell you the ins and outs of the health insurance field" because my class was made up mainly of young, dumbass kids. Well, Bertha over here says "nope, I can, I was a Nurse for 20 years." Keep in mind she has the raspy voice of an 80 year old woman who had been smoking since she was in the womb. Also keep in mind that she is balding, so heavy she can't walk, and is sneering at me like she has just gotten one over on a know-it-all little twit (which I'm sure she thinks I am). I look at her and say, "right, you could tell me the ins and outs of the health industry, but health insurance is different." She replies with "Nah, it's all the same thing hunny." Which automatically set fire coursing through my veins. 1) don't call me "hunny" if you aren't a) my mom or gran, or b) my boyfriend; 2) I hear this everyday at work from people just like you who think since they work in the medical field, they are ALL KNOWING about insurance. Well hunny I'm here to tell you that you don't know jack-fucking-shit about health insurance.
In my Tuesday evening class, there is also this kid who is even more annoying than Bertha. I'm not sure what his nickname is going to be, but he sat in front of me and drove me up the wall for the entire 2 hours and 45 minutes. Everything the professor said, he laughed like it was the funniest thing he had ever heard. This was no regular laugh, it was a full on belly laugh, of which the sound waves reverberated around the room, bouncing off the walls, and then coming right back into your earholes for another wave of torture. No one else laughed when he did. He would turn around and look at people, and would find me giving him the stink eye.
I have US History on Thursdays, which I'm sure I'll let y'all know all about that and the people in it when that time comes. :)
I leave you with a tip (courtesy of Natalie Dee) that I believe I'm going to be following for the next 4 months while classes are in session...

Til' later tonight...
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